Annual Bonus 2019!

The most exciting moment of the year arrived! Actually, is one of my favorites.

The payment of the Annual Bonus!

In my 27 years of career I have received 26 Annual Bonuses! this is a reward for the work done the previous year, obviously the bigger the bonus is,the greater success.

I am very happy to share with you that my Annual Bonus, is the biggest one that LR has paid out in 2019. 198.663,23€

I'm a Man of numbers because they tell you the truth! If you are doing well or not, and without any doubt this #GreatAnualBonus tells me YES SR!

For this, I will never change my style because it works, easy, simple, duplicable: 1-2-3!
I am a #FireStarter.

If you want to be successful, focus on "practice" and not on theory, do not waste your time with losers! and work effective, do not let people take you down, no body pay your bills, focus on you and your family!

Remember: Our job is to find the dreams that people believed lost and help them to realize them, because WITH LR THE DREAMS MAKE COME TRUE!

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